Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Top 10 Occupations the Government is Hiring Now

The Top 10 Occupations the Government is Hiring NowThe Top 10 Occupations the Government is Hiring NowToday, I have two more top ten lists based on USAJOBS information for your consideration. Both offer insights into the government hiring market and are important parts of the decision-making process for most jobseekers. And, while yesterdays list was all about which organizations were likely to have open jobs, todays pair recognize that the organization doing the hiring matters little if theyre not looking for someone with your skill setor theyre hiring somewhere that youre just not prepared to live. Which is why the USAJOBS data also conveniently breaks down by top drehort and top occupation. Without further ado, then, here is the first of those listsTop 10 Occupations In Demand by the Government Information Technology Management Specialist 2399 postings to date in 2010 Management and Program Analyst 1693 postings Administration Program Staff 1611 postings Nurse 1353 postings Medic al Officer 1329 postings Office Clerk / Assistant 1040 postings Business and Industry Specialist 1015 postings Contract Specialist 1015 postings Engineer, General 845 postings Human Resources Specialist 828 postingsRead the full listRead the Top 10 Locations for Government Hiring in 2010For more insight on government careers, check out the Vault Guide to Government Agency Careers.Posted by Phil Stott,

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

How to Create a Successful Leadership Development Program Management Resources

How to Create a Successful Leadership Development Program Management ResourcesHow to Create a Successful Leadership Development Program Management ResourcesCompanies need leaders in all areas of the organization - especially in the accounting and finance function, which the business depends on heavily for its success. Yet many businesses overlook the importance of implementing succession plans and formal leadership development programs to offer their employees a clear pathway to management roles.Creating a leadership development program for your accounting and finance team is a way to offer them the opportunity to develop the skills they need to move up within your organization and grow in their career. These programs can generate other benefits, too, such as higher employee morale and greater team productivity, creativity and innovation. It can also help your employees to feel mora connected to the business, and understand how their work adds value.If you think your organization wo uld benefit from creating a leadership development program, read on to learn four of the most important steps you can take to get started1. Define your companys leadership needsA good square one exercise is to think about any specific leadership gaps that your organization has or may soon face. For example, are any leaders looking to retire soon? And if current leaders were to leave, what attributes and characteristics would the business sorely miss?Think, too, about the companys short-term and long-term strategic goals. For example, if the organization is on a htte nicht viel gefehlt track for growth, your leadership development program should be aligned to ensure the business has the right leadership in place to meet those priorities.Also, reflect on what leadership means to your business. What are the traits your firm values most in its leaders? Dig deep on this, and avoid reaching for vague descriptors such as go-getting or perceptive. Recent surveys by our company found that tr aits like integrity, fairness and decisiveness often rise to the top of the list as the most important attributes for business leaders to possess.2. Develop, dont trainRemember that leaders can be nurtured and developed, but not manufactured. When creating a leadership development program, think about how you can place parteicipants into situations that will require them to learn and grow. Examples include giving candidates the opportunity to step up when other leaders are away or to collaborate with colleagues in other departments on a special project. (Collaboration abilities are very important for todays leaders to possess.)Mentoring, training and organizational planning, with individual activities such as job rotation, job shadowing and project leadership, are often components of effective leadership development programs. Classroom training, such as MBA programs, executive education and online courses might also be part of a formal program. Also, be sure to support participants with ongoing feedback and coaching this can be especially helpful coming from senior managers who can serve as role models and mentors.3. Identify potential leaders (and avoid tunnel vision)Potential leaders may be anywhere in your company - and identifying them isnt always easy. A common mistake with leadership development programs is focusing resources only on top-performing employees. However, just because someone has demonstrated excellent work in his or her current position doesnt mean that person will evolve into a leader for the business. Have an open mind, and be willing to look beyond the most obvious candidates. You might also consider inviting promising employees from other departments to engage in the program.An effective leadership development program should be able to polish all the diamonds in the rough in your organization and give employees the skills and confidence to ascend the career ladder. Youll likely find some people are perfectly happy to stay in their curr ent jobs or pursue a different path that doesnt take them to the management level. Thats OK. They can be leaders for your business in other ways. Just make sure that all employees are aware of the leadership development opportunities available in your organization and have an opportunity to take advantage of them.4. Measure resultsBefore formally implementing your leadership development program, determine how you will measure your programs success and impact. Some measurement options includeThe number of participants who complete the program successfullyThe number of participants you promote after they have gone through the programIncreases in employees leadership responsibilitiesWhether peers feel that program participants are developing into effective leadersIn addition, as part of your evaluation, assess whether employees developed leadership skills that will help them be more effective at their current jobs - not just qualify them for promotions down the line.Effective business leaders also understand how every facet of the organization works. They dont necessarily know all the fine details, but they do have a working overview of operations. So, encourage employees in your leadership development program to stretch their abilities even further by taking on projects that dont typically cross their desks. This will require them to work outside their comfort zones and think along new lines. Their ability to adapt and thrive in unterstellung situations is another measure of success. (Just be careful not to overload these workers in the process.)Keep retention in focusIn many ways, leadership development programs are like long-term staffing strategies They help you to identify and groom talented employees who could potentially assume key management positions in the future. So, you want to be careful not to lose these valuable team members.Offering promising employees compensation to match their developing skills is one strategy. You might also consider holding regular face-to-face meetings with future leaders to ensure theyre satisfied with their career path and feeling engaged. An employee rewards system, in which staff members earn incentives such as extra vacation days, designated parking spots or letters of appreciation from higher-ups for specific achievements long after the program has ended, can also positively impact retention.Want more tips on how to keep your best people?Download Robert Halfs free report, ITS TIME WE ALL WORK HAPPY., for more research and analysis on what todays accounting and finance professionals need to feel satisfied at work and stay engaged in their jobs.GET THE REPORT

Thursday, December 19, 2019

10 things you can do every day to improve your personal development

10 things you can do every day to improve your personal development10 things you can do every day to improve your personal developmentI am fascinated withself-development.I see it as an art in itself, and one that takes a lifetime of practice to master.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moraThat said, here are 10 things you can do in yourdaily lifeto improve yourpersonal development.1. Read about what you want toimproveDo you want to get better at a certain skill? Read about it.Be mora meditative? Read books that explain that in detail.Want to be more productive? Spontaneous? Outgoing? Confident? All these topic areas are covered by books upon books that you can study - and by reading about it, itll always stay top of mind.2. Find amentorA mentor can be anyone from a peer who knows something you dont, and you want to learn, all the way up to someone vastly more experienced who is will ing to take you under their wing (in exchange for your working in some way for or with them).Mentorship is by far the fastest path of learning.3. Reflect at the end of eachdayIf you really want to take self-development seriously (and not just, you know, talk about it), you need to be constantly aware of how you can improve.And the only way to know how to improve is if you reflect and ask yourself where and how you still need some work.4. Create a strong practiceregimenIts your habits that unfold the results, not the other way around.You cant live one life and expect to one day have another.You have to put in place the daily habits that will allow the things you want to change to change.5. Find others to push you and trainwithSelf-development is not just a solo game.In fact, the best self-development is done with others in some capacity.Spend time with people who are working on similar things as you, and youll find yourself growing with them at a faster rate than if you had tried to do it all alone.6. Create a reward/punishment systemThis is necessary for people who need to break bad habits.Sometimes, its a reward (or a punishment) that makes the difference between immediate and rapid change, and ongoing fleeting promises.7. Stay honest with yourselfNo amount of talking about it will ever instigate true change.This is the hardest part for people. Its far easier to buy a book on self-development, carry it around, and say, Im working on being more present, while staying constantly on your phone to text your friends about how youre trying to be more present.You have to really be honest about it with yourself.You are your own judge.8. Find role models you can look uptoAgain, self-development is not easy, so its helpful to be able to look to others for inspiration, motivation, or even just daily reminders of how you can continue moving forward on your journey.9. Measure your progressOne of my mentors taught me, If you cant measure it, dont do it.Took me a long time to understand what that meant. Regardless of how ethereal the thing that you want to work on is, you have to find some way to measure your progress.Its the only way youll really know if you are moving in the right direction - and when/where to pivot as you go along.10. Consistency is thekeySelf-development doesnt happen overnight.It happens slowly and deliberately. Consistency is what creates truly meaningful change - and this is what makes the process so difficult for people. Its not that you pop and pill and youre done. You dont do it once and youre fixed.Self-development is a daily practice and lifestyle.This article originally appeared on Inc. Magazine.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentall y strong people

Saturday, December 14, 2019

22 Facts About Jane Austen

22 Facts About Jane Austen22 Facts About Jane AustenAs critic Gary Kelly has observed, Jane Austen is one of the few novelists in world literature who is regarded as a classic and yet is widely read. Though zu sichbeibei novels were by no means autobiographical, the facts of her life to shed light on her fiction, and more importantly, they offer aspiring writers one model of how great works of literature are created. Below are 22 facts about Jane Austen The seventh child of George Austen and Cassandra Leigh Austen, Jane Austen was born in Steventon, a village in southern England in 1775.In her lifetime she completed six novels, including Northanger Abbey, Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, Emma, and Persuasion. Four of them were published before her death.Her father George Austen, a clergyman, also ran a school for boys in the family home and parsonage to supplement the familys income.Cassandra Leigh Austen was from a higher social rank than her husband and g ave Jane Austen the sense of social class that underlies many of her novels. She did elend seem to regret the fall in social standing, however, and was a cheerful wife and mother to the family. In 1783, Jane Austen and her older sister Cassandra went to be educated by their aunt Ann Cooper Cawley, the widow of the head of an Oxford college. From there, they went on to Abbey School, a boarding school for girls. Apart from these years, Austen was educated by her father.Austen honed her comic abilities by writing for her family, in particular, her older, Oxford-educated brothers, whom she admired intensely. Though the entire family was literary, only Austen would become a published novelist. An extremely shy girl, Jane Austens family was the center of her world. Even at boarding school, she made few friends, preferring Cassandras company.Austen gained her knowledge of life at sea, important, for instance, in Persuasion, through her brother Frank, who had a successful career in the Brit ish Navy and was closest in age to Jane.For her first love, Austen got a story worthy of one of her novels, one that has certain things in common with that of Marianne Dashwood in Sense and Sensibility. The object of her love, Tom Lefroy, was the Irish nephew of her close friend Anne Lefroy. Knowing that Tom would lose his inheritance if he married a nobody, Anne Lefroy hurried Tom out of the country when the romance came to her attention. (Tom later became the Chief Justice of Ireland.) While fans of the movie The Jane Austen Book Club might be encouraged to think, What would Jane do? in times of romantic crisis, her pursuit of Tom Lefroy, which violated the social mores of her time, indicates that she might not be the best choice. Cassandra was the sensible one, striving to keep Jane in check. Before the romance was broken off, Jane wrote her a teasing letter, You scold me so much in the nice long letter which I have at this moment received from you, that I am alfruchtwein afraid to tell you how my Irish friend and I behaved. Imagine to yourself everything fruchtwein profligate and shocking in the way of dancing and sitting down together. At least one biographer hints that Jane Austens cousin Eliza, Comtesse de Feuillide, provided a model for Elizabeth Bennetts vivacity and wit, though some of her actions more closely resemble Mansfield Parks worldly Mary Crawford. While visiting the Austens, leaving her husband at home in France with his mistress, Eliza flirted with two of Janes brothers, Henry and James, in the course of putting on a play for the family. (Elizas husband was guillotined during the French Revolution she would in fact later marry Henry Austen.) Austens second notable romance occurred while the family was vacationing on the coast at Sidmouth in Devon in the summer of 1801. Austen apparently met and fell in love with a young clergyman, who made plans to meet the family again later in their travels (a good sign that he planned to propose). Howev er, he died unexpectedly before he could join them. The incident strengthened the anleihe between the two sisters, as Cassandra had earlier lost her fianc.Jane Austen wrote an early draft of Sense and Sensibility in the early 1790s and then revised it heavily before it was published in 1811. Likewise, sixteen years would pass between the time that her father first tried to get First Impressions published and the time that the novel appeared as Pride and Prejudice in 1813. Northanger Abbey was acquired by a publisher in 1803 but was not published until after Austens death.Finances forced the Austens to leave Steventon for Bath, a change that upset Austen greatly. Some biographers assert that the situation hurt her writing, as she did not have a private distribution policy in which to write and was forced in Bath to socialize more than before.In Bath, Austen spent time with a known adulterer, who made better conversation than others provided in the superficial spa town, and who had a fashionable open carriage. Their meetings distressed her aunt, but provided Austen with more fodder for teasing her sister There is now something like an engagement between us and the Phaeton, which to confess my frailty I have a great desire to go out in. Another romantic faux pas occurred when Jane Austen accepted a marriage proposal only to revise her decision the next morning. The suitor, Harris Wither, was six years younger than she, ill-mannered, and quick-tempered. Surprised by the proposal, she accepted on the spot, knowing that his wealth and position would mean security for her family. As her biographer, Park Noonan writes, When Mr. Austen died their income would be so reduced that she, her mother and Cassandra might face penury. To have said no to Harris Wither would have been patently foolish and very nearly selfish. Nonetheless, after a sleepless night spent considering her life as the future Mrs. Wither, she called off the engagement, creating something of a scandal an d putting a lasting strain on the relationship between their two families. When her father died in 1805, Austen ceased work on a novel shed begun entitledThe Watsons.It was the only time in her life that she was not writing or revising something. After only a few months, however, Austen returned to a novella shed begun earlier,Lady Susan.In 1806, Mrs. Austen, Jane, Cassandra, and a friend, Martha, left Bath, eventually settling together in a house in the village of Chawton. In the years that Austen lived at Chawton Cottage, she woke every morning, practiced the pianoforte before anyone else got up, cooked breakfast for the household, and then retired to write, free of further household duties. She apparently worked in a room that was both a hallway and a dining room, but the room had a squeaky door. Austen refused to have the door repaired, ensuring that she had notice of anyones approach. The Chawton years were by far her most productive. She revised and publishedPride and Prejudic e(1813) andSense and Sensibility(1811), and wroteEmma(1815),Mansfield Park(1814), andPersuasion,which, along withNorthanger Abbey,was published posthumously. During her life, she earned about L684.13 in total from her writing.Around 1816, Austen began to suffer from a debilitating and painful illness, which was never diagnosed. Today its believed to have been Addisons Disease, a tubercular disease of the kidneys. Cassandra was with her when she died in 1817 at age 41. She was buried in Winchester Cathedral. Almost a hundred years later, Virginia Woolf wrote about her, Here was a woman about the year 1800 writing without hate, without bitterness, without fear, without protest, without preaching. That was how Shakespeare wrote, and when people compare Shakespeare and Jane Austen, they may mean that the minds of both had consumed all impediments and for that reason, we do not know Jane Austen, and we do not know Shakespeare, and for that reason, Jane Austen pervades every wordshe wrote , and so does Shakespeare. If youve never read Jane Austen, and curious about what her prose is like, you can read a short exchange fromPride and Prejudicein an article,Examples of Third Person.

Monday, December 9, 2019

The Pitfall of Walk Me Through Your Resume

The Pitfall of Walk Me Through Your Resume Another important part of your preparation is attempting to reproduce the conditions of a true interview once you practice. Walking me through your resume is among the fruchtwein typical questions that you shall face when youre attending an interview. Ultimately, practice can help you with remembering what you would like to say even if your nerves act up as soon as the pressure is on in the interview. Creating a consistent step-by-step approach will allow you to create HABITS. If youre applying for Accenture Strategy one of your interviews are going to be a 1-hour assessment known as the Potentia Interview. Definitely connect with the 3 people you wish to be references. Therefore, as you shouldnt forego in-person interviews entirely, think about using additional measurement tools together with interviews to supply you with a more well-rounded sense of expected candidates. The Appeal of Walk Me Through Your Resume While the questi on appears straightforward on the surface and was made to help the interviewee ease into the session, in addition, it sets the tone for the remainder of the interview and aids the individual on the opposite side of the table fasson their initial impressions. The manner in which you present yourself at an interview states a great deal about you. Debrief with yourself about the way the procedure is going. Clearly, the conventional interview procedure isnt always the best method to uncover whether your possible candidate is the ideal fit for the role you should fill. What is Truly Going on with Walk Me Through Your Resume Well, you canif you build a modest hands-on work in your interview procedure. Done properly, the interview will allow you to see where the prospective lies and will cause a terrific new add-on to your team. If youre unemployed talk about non-job related pursuits. Its critical to be accurate once youre recounting your work history. Then theres your reply to the interviewers very first question. Your interviewer wants to check whether you know what information is vital to communicate, and whats irrelevant. With such a wide variety of questions asked in interviews, however, you cant realistically rehearse all them. There are not many common interview questions which should be prepared well before hand. What You Dont Know About Walk Me Through Your Resume Most employers want to get the best candidates for the ideal cost. Possessing the incorrect person in a work negatively impacts an organization more than most individuals know. Alternatively, you can say that youre looking for work that will challenge you more and help in your growth as an individual and professional. Therefore, if youre opting for jobs within different regions of banking, you ought to have different walk me through your resume answers you tailor the solution to each kind of employer. How to Get Started with Walk Me Through Your Resume? The candidate ought to be in a position to competently talk about the business, the standing of your business within the business, and any recent activity thats been made public. He should be able to match their strengths and values with the needs of the company. Walk Me Through Your Resume Help Otherwise, it is going to appear to a reader your school expertise is the most necessary to you-that shouldnt be the circumstance. The very first step in the DCF model method is to create a forecast of the 3 financial statements, dependent on assumptions about the way the company will perform later on. If you discover an approach to consistently crack each sort of question in a situation, then this means you will have the ability to consistently crack the case in general. You must have open-ended questions that are related to the place to observe how they answer and work through the procedure, states Kohm. You are aware that the ideal hire wont be great at everything below the sun, states Roger Lee of Capt ain401. If youve been fired from your prior job, tell them with the truth but you need to be brief and positive. Every interview will always focus to find the most out of the work seeker. If your response is yes, then theyd probably make an excellent employee, states Orjuela. Walk Me Through Your Resume - Overview There are a variety of ways to tackle this kind of open-ended interview question. Phil will answer your question, after which youre likely to ask him another question about the job. Because the Tell Me About Yourself interview question is all about getting to know you, it is a very good concept to share details about your personality by means of your interviewerbut not personal information. The perfect way to prepare for a job interview is to anticipateand prepare forthe questions you are likely to be asked.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The True Story About Arizona Resume Writing Services That the Experts Dont Want You to Know

The True Story About Arizona Resume Writing Services That the Experts Dont Want You to Know Resume composing firms are a really good place from where you are able to readily get your resume crafted in a fashion which potential recruiters would want. Resumes ought to be spectacular enough to find the interest of the recruiters. They give recruiters the ability to identify and determine the value of the candidate and what he or she can do for the company. Resumes a well-written resume is an effective marketing and advertising tool which is able to make your career. The way to the best essay is by way of Do not be hesitant to request a kind of paper you dont see in our list. Resume writing tafelgeschirrs have a personalized approach to come up with a sort of resume that is sure to offer the maximum quality of professional resume writing. Predesigned templates offer a customizable outline that enables someone to enter her or his info in a format thats suitable for the position they are trying to find. The Downside Risk of Arizona Resume Writing Services All our writers pass a considerable procedure to look at their abilities. You may be an authority in your field, but conveying all of your expertise to prospective recruiters in their viewpoint is the point where the trick of the trade lies. With the most recent technologies, there are new approaches to earn a good resume. As stated earlier, the panel of resume writers are handpicked by these kinds of businesses and short listed dependent on the expertise they carry in each individual area. When evaluating resume writing services you will discover there is a terrific difference in how each company prices their expert services. The total cost of the writing service is another element when picking the very best available service for you. In summary, you can seek the services of the best resume writers at the lowest prices. Its possible to hire the help of competent resume writing professionals at astonishingly competitive rates. Who Else Wants to Learn About Arizona Resume Writing Services? Arizona is known for being among the preferred states for veterans to reside in, Phoenix being one of the highest cities for veterans. Make certain you select the perfect professional resume writing service based on your requirements and expectations. There are a lot of people around who are waiting to seek the services of excellent executives just like you. He resume writing is also an area of expertise which is a real money spinner. The Good, the Bad and Arizona Resume Writing Services A freelance professional resume writer may be a little more affordable, but a writer backed by a trustworthy company will probably have more quality safeguards in place to be sure you get exceptional resume services. Every writer we employ has written a good deal of special papers associated with your subject. Even when youre a skilled writer with an advertising background, you will be surprised by how good a professional resume writer can force you to look. Resume writers arent just professional writers but are experts with a deep grasp of the work marketplace. You can receive your resume written professionally and boost your odds of landing your dream job. Pick out lots of vital achievements that you have made in your career so far, such as cost savings you have initiated or business contracts you have secured and be prepared to quantify them. Also, make certain to take under consideration geographic factors that could serve to produce your perfect salary higher or lower than the average. Actually, underestimating the significance of resume in job search is among the explanations for why its not simple to stick out from the remainder of applicants.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Restaurant Job Tests - Questions and Tips

Restaurant Job Tests - Questions and TipsRestaurant Job Tests - Questions and TipsWalking into a restaurant to apply for a job can be intimidating, and employers are increasingly asking applicants to take one or more tests that can make the process much more stressful. You cant really study for them, but your performance on these types of tests is a factor in determining whether you will get the job, or even be granted a first or second interview. Why Restaurants Test Applicants In order to reduce turnover rates, many restaurant employers useprescreening testsand quizzes to filter out less-qualified job seekers. These tests help to provide the employer with a better understanding of the job seeker, which can help him or her make a better decision about whether or not that candidate is a good fit for the position and is likely to remain employed with a restaurant once hired. Most of these tests, especially in service-oriented businesses like restaurants, are done in-person, which allows the employer to see how the applicant works under pressure. The potential employee also has the opportunity to ask the interviewer questions, which will further help them to stand out among the other applicants. With larger companies, these tests may be done online. Types of Restaurant Questions The questions on these tests and quizzes can be open-ended, or direct and straightforward. They may be designed to assess your job knowledge, your technical culinary skills, your customer service aptitude, youremotional intelligenceand resilience, your integrity, your personality, or your cognitive ability. Depending upon the state where you live, you may also be asked to submit to adrug and alcohol test. Certain types ofpersonality testsyou may encounter will evaluate your work ethic, your willingness to take direction, your frustration tolerance, and your acceptance of diversity. General mental ability tests will quantify your ability to do math, conduct abstract reasoning, and handle complexity. If you are in restaurant management, employers will want to know that you have what it takes to accurately prepare budgets, track costs and overhead, and gauge supply levels and needs. Questions at a restaurant, depending upon whether you are applying for a front-of-house, back-of-house, or managerial position, may include Drink ingredientsWhat ingredients do I need to make a Cosmopolitan? A Margarita? A White Russian?DefinitionsWhat is fois gras? What is steak tartare? What is the base of a Barnaise sauce?Food Safety and Kitchen Sanitation Where should different foods be stored in the refrigerator? What are the six conditions that favor the growth of bacteria? What is a pathogen? Note a good way to prepare for questions such as these is to review the information you learned to earn your SafeServ certification. ResponsibilityIf a patron tells you that he or she is displeased with a service, and you are not responsible for that table, what would you do?Why you shou ld work thereWhat skills and talents can you bring to the table? What do you have that the other applicants dont? For larger companies,these questions may get more or less specificbased on the position or nature of the role. Tips For Responding Do your best to appear confident and willing to take the exam. Body language is a large part of the application process, even if it seems unimportant. For example, standing or sitting up straight while taking the exam will demonstrate your focus and confidence. If the exam is verbal as opposed to written, maintain eye contact with the interviewer. Answer the questions to the best of your ability, even if you do not know the answer. For example, if you are asked the ingredients in a recipe and cannot remember them all, do not skip the question. Include as many ingredients as you can remember. A strong attempt at an answer is better than no answer at all. Try to implement your voicein your writing so that you will make the employer want to bring you in for further interviewing. This is particularly important if you are asked why you are a strong candidate, or why you should be hired. Dont be afraid to brag about yourself Overall, these tests and quizzes are a beneficial way to help employers slim down their applicant pool, and they also give job seekers a chance to differentiate themselves with another medium in addition to their resume.

Monday, November 25, 2019

8 Easy Tips for Networking to Get a Job

8 Easy Tips for Networking to Get a Job8 Easy Tips for Networking to Get a JobNetworking to get a job should never feel like stressful, hard work. Yes, you can spend all day on the top websites to find jobs and feel like you have accomplished something. But networking to get a job takes a lot mora than just applying online.We offer these easy job networking tips below to help you.1. Attend Meetups with people in your industryEven with all the tools to stay connected these days, one of the most powerful job networking tips is still meeting people in your industry face to face. The website has been around for more than 15 years because face to face networking simply works.All you have to do to start networking to get a job is go where your people go to talk business. For example, if you are an engineer, you would love to go to NYs Tech Meetup. Founded in 2004, it has had more than 56,000 attendees, from startups to VCs and more.2. departure sharing what you know bestWhat mak es the Internet so great is that the act of reaching out to share knowledge is a great way for people to discover what you know. If you are diligent about it, you may unwittingly become a thought leader in your industry. The act of helping others by sharing your knowledge is a great way to pay it forward. What makes this a powerful job networking tip is that companies and people are seeing your generous and intelligent side while also seeing your written communication skills.3. Reach out to complete strangers online in your industryInstead of hanging around on the top websites to find a job, why not reach out to people on LinkedIn who are discussing topics you care about. These days, we pretty much have accepted that people will contact us when they have something in common or need something (like a job). Networking to get a job requires not being shy about what you want or need. If you can reach out to complete strangers in your industry and help them, by all means, do it. A genera l job networking tip required here is, Dont be afraid to ask for help.4. Start connecting with more co-workersYou work with them every day, so take the time to begin networking. Find out what they know, what interests them, and who they know. You and your co-workers are in the saatkorn company for a reason. Find out more from your co-workers about their network and how they all think. Perhaps, you have things in common you can do after work.This is a job networking tip that has been around for decades. For example, inviting co-workers to play golf with you on a Saturday (circa 1980s and 1990s). In the 21st century, you can connect and network with more co-workers with technology that makes it much more affordable. Try working with them on projects or hobbies outside of work.5. Connect with former co-workersOne of the biggest reasons you should never burn bridges at a job is because your former co-workers will always be part of your network. In todays global workforce, the top websit es to find jobs offer positions to be applied for around the world. While networking to get a job see if you can come across a position your former co-workers know something about. Just recently, a former co-worker reached out to me from South America. He was interviewing for a job in the United States and wanted more info about living in Texas. I was able to help him both as a reference and for relocation advice.6. Take business courses and join groupsLast year, I was hanging out on the so-called top websites to find jobs. Then, I realized one day I was spending time in two facebook inc groups where people discussed two industries I wanted to be a part of. One was for community managers and the other was for a business course on gamification. In the processes of networking to get a job, I stayed in touch with these groups and the people in them. I was a regular contributor and took a business course offered in one group.Then, one day people started posting job notices in the facebo ok inc groups. I had success landing interviews and meeting possible future co-workers. They were more willing to consider me because I took an interest in what they were needing and doing. There is no reason you cannot do the same. The moral of this job networking tip is to remember Todays business world of networking to get a job, as it was in the past, is all give and give...and then take.7. Stay in touchPopping your head into an online group or Meetup is a start. But it takes more than making an appearance to truly consider it networking to find a job. Stay in touch with all of the people you are meeting. Networking to get a job is a hustle and you need to do it to gain traction.8. Reply to everyone who contacts youIf you feel you have no time to reply to everyone, expect them to show you the same courtesy. Sure, once you gain traction, this job networking tip becomes more difficult. Just remember this simple universal truth Busy at work is better than not busy at no work. Reply to your network simply because you want them to do that for you and opportunities will arise

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Padded Cap May Protect Baseball Pitchers

Padded Cap May Protect Baseball Pitchers Padded Cap May Protect Baseball Pitchers Padded Cap May Protect Baseball PitchersSpring is near, professional baseball players are limbering up throughout Arizona and Florida, and around the country parents are signing their children up for spring recreational baseball and softball programs. Unlike football, where the debate over how to protect players from concussions is ratcheting up, baseball poses fewer risks. But line drives cracked directly back at the pitcher do occur, with potentially disastrous results.Players looking for protection now have an option, with Major League Baseball recently approving an injection-molded padding that can be fitted into a players cap. The product, called isoBLOX, provides frontal head protection from line drives reaching 90 mph and side protection along the temple of 85 mph, according to its manufacturer. MLB, which has been working with various vendors on the project, set a protection threshold of 83 mph, which it says is the average speed of a line drive reaching the pitching mound.The padding is made of hexagon-shaped injection-molded polymers connected by a hinge, and fitted with a foam substrate, says Bruce Foster, chief executive officer of 4Licensing Corp., parent company of isoBLOX. Upon impact, the padding flexes and diffuses the force, he says.The padding adds one-half inch thickness to the front of the cap, an inch on the side and it weighs seven ounces. Foster says his firm will be visiting all major league spring training camps to introduce the padding and educate players on risks. There is no mandate on using the protection and Foster acknowledges the difficulty in getting buy-in, at least at the professional level.Besides battling tradition, When youre 21 you think youre invincible, Foster says. And there is nobody no more superstitious than a pitcher. Pitching is an art form.Manufacturer claims, IsoBLOX combined with traditional memory foam results in superior impact resistance. leumund isoBLOXDifferencesBecause of the basic differences between the sports, head protection in baseball has never been the worry as it is in football. There, concerns over multiple concussions and associated brain damage have sparked research into how various brands of helmets and their interior padding and protection system perform against rotational acceleration forces that twist and batter the brain inside the skull. Earlier this year, the Virginia Tech-Wake Forest University School of Bioengineering and Sciences rated 18 brands of helmets for protection against linear acceleration and rotational acceleration. Linear acceleration are the front-to-back forces that can cause bruising and bleeding in the brain rotational acceleration are forces that twist the brain within the cranium, causing concussions.But baseball does not generally have to worry about concussions. For baseball, tests were performed by independent laboratories under MLB guidelines calling for prote ction at 83 mph. That is below the National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment standard severity index of 1,200, considered the threshold for skull fractures and traumatic brain injuries. Foster says his firm approached MLB in March 2013 and completed testing late in the year.Five major league pitchers were struck in the head by line drives in a five-month stretch of 2012-13, and seven others within the past six seasons, according to published reports. While Foster acknowledges the difficulty in getting major leaguers to use the protection, he says his firm has been overwhelmed with queries from parents, and sees the youth market as fertile for growth.This is well beyond what we thought and shows how fixed parents are on the safety of their kids, he says. The firm plans to begin selling padded caps and a shirt fitted with the padding in retail outlets this spring.ProductionThe padding is produced in sheets that can be easily trimmed to the appropriate shape, say s Foster. Designing head protection was more complex than simply inserting the padding into chest protection or protection for legs and arms. There is air behind a chest protector, says Foster, pointing out that the airbag effect helps diffuse the impact.That effect is lost in head protection, so engineers combined two types of the padding to be fitted into a cap. isoBLOX can be made out of different polymers, he says. You can make it brittle or make it flexible. With the head, we had to combine two types of isoBLOX sheets. He says the double layer outperformed other versions of single-sheet protection.While the padded cap can offer some help, barring some sort of face protection, pitchers remain vulnerable to balls hit directly at the face. Because of the weight and protection level, however, this offers a degree of safety never seen in baseball, claims Foster.Still, change comes slowly in the sport and Foster knows the weight and different look of the cap is enough to chase away m ost players. The velocity of the ball is incredible, he says. We have to educate the player as to, what are the risks? The early adopters will probably be those who have been hit before. It is a lifestyle change. Eventually well get there. For Further DiscussionThis offers a degree of safety never seen in baseball.Bruce Foster, 4 Licensing Corp.